
Problem: Evaluate the integral 0sinxxdx using contour integration.
Solution: Consider the function f(z)=eizz and the contour C consisting of
  1. A semicircle γR of radius R in the upper half-plane,
  2. The real axis from R to ϵ,
  3. A small semicircle γϵ of radius ϵ around the origin in the upper half-plane,
  4. The real axis from ϵ to R.
solutions of the differential equation

By Cauchy's residue theorem, since f(z) is analytic inside and on C except at z=0, we have: Cf(z)dz=0. Breaking the integral into parts: Rϵeixxdx+γϵeizzdz+ϵReixxdx+γReizzdz=0. As R, the integral over γR vanishes by Jordan's lemma. As ϵ0, the integral over γϵ approaches iπ (half the residue at z=0). Taking the imaginary part of the remaining integrals, we get: 2i0sinxxdx=iπ. Therefore: 0sinxxdx=π2.