Daily Problems

Every day, a new problem will be posted on this platform. To access previous problems, you can click on the date that is provided. The topic of the problem will vary depending on the day it is posted.

In addition to this, it's important to note that this platform serves as a source for daily problems that cover a wide range of topics. By clicking on the date, you will be able to access previous problems, allowing you to review and practice different concepts. This can be a great resource for those looking to improve their problem-solving skills and knowledge in various areas. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to learn and grow in a challenging and stimulating way.

Problems schedule

The schedule for posting problems on this platform follows a specific pattern. Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific topic of mathematics, and problems related to that topic are posted on that day. The topics and corresponding days are listed in the table below. This schedule allows users to focus on a specific topic each day and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. It also allows users to plan their study schedule and know when to expect problems related to a specific topic. These problems are also sorted with areas (see the tags.)

Day of the week Topic
Sunday Linear Algebra
Monday Real Analysis
Tuesday Complex Analysis
Wednesday Abstract Algebra
Thursday Topology
Friday Differential Equations
Saturday Arbitrary

Problem of the day (04-03-2025)

Problem: Find all $z \in \mathbb{C} $ such that
  1. $z^3 = 1$.
  2. $\left( \frac{z - 1}{z + 1} \right)^2 = 2 \iota $.
  3. $z^2 = 24 \iota - 7$.
  4. $z^3 = \iota - 1$.
  5. $z^4 = -1$.

The calendar provided below allows users to easily access the problems posted on specific dates. By clicking on a date on the calendar, users are directed to the page containing the problem or problems related to the topic of that day. We have also highlighted the today's date.